This winter I had the opportunity to visit Yosemite for a brief trip to photograph the spectacular Firefall. I had planned for a full week of hiking, camping, and photography at Yosemite. Unfortunately mother nature had other plans. I was able to spend two amazing days there, and then a massive snowstorm blew in. The park service did a mandatory evactuation of all the campgrounds. I ended up leaving while it was dumping snow, and it didn’t let up for several days. They ended up fully closing the park for more than a week. With dynamic weather always comes the potential for dynamic lighting conditions, and those definitely didn’t disappoint.

Sunrise on the front edge of a massive snow storm that would dump enough snow to completely shutdown Yosemite National Park for a couple of weeks.
Firefall at sunset.
Firefall at sunset.
Raging sheets of water cascading into a snow cone at the base of Upper Yosemite Falls.